Saturday during a diner with friends we had another good discussion about highrise building in Rotterdam. Under the assumption that 'big is beautiful and high is better' Rotterdam is building one (ugly) highrise appartment building after the other. In the meantime there are plenty of beautiful buildings deserving a fully valued second life. Take form instance the Huf-building by architects van den Broek & Bakema in the Hoogstraat. Once a pearl of the postwar 'Wederopbouw' movement, it is now a ramshackle shadow of the past. The top three floors hadn't been used for 18 (!) years, untill it was squatted by artcollectieve Locus 010 about 5 years ago. And although since 2003 the city has announced plans to renovate the building and turn it into a design centre, unfortunately so far nothing has actually happened.